Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The Catch Up!

Hello! I have been slacking on writing on my blog. I have been meaning to write but just haven’t gotten to it. We have been busy the last month and so I am going to try to get all my pictures and everything that has been going on down. I can’t believe that it will be a month since the last time I wrote. I am still trying to be good working out…but it hasn’t been as good as I was hoping. I guess that is the way things go. Gavin and I have been sick and so that always messes you up. I am still feeling sick but I am grateful that Gavin is feeling better….but since we have been sick so has been my husband. Well I will try to be better at staying on top of my blog. I hope you enjoy!

1 comment:

Megan Isham said...

Hey Mindy... your blog is soo cute. I miss you girl!!! I am sorry to hear you have been sick. That is no good. Gavin is so cute and is getting so much bigger everyday!!!! I know what you mean with working out... I have been soo bad at it too. Hope you are doing well.