Friday, October 3, 2008

Thank you Michelle!

Today I was commenting on one of my cousin's blogs and it ended up being a really long message and I thought to myself I should post this to my blog. It reminded me that Heavenly Father is very aware of each one of us. He will answer us different many ways. Sometimes through the scriptures, prayer, a thought, sometimes he has to scream it to us, and through friends/family. As I reading my cousin blog I felt like sharing a little thing about us and as I was typing it I thought "I really should post this on my blog". So here is my ever let me set up what life has been for us. I know that we aren't the only ones feeling the effect on how life is going right now finacial. So many people I know personal are having their own trials and so I have to know that me and my family are not the only ones with life problems. I don't tell you this to feel bad for us anything...I guess I just sharing what I have learned.

This has been a very good but at the same time the hardest year! We bought our townhome Oct. 25th 2007. Corey was working for DMBA and I was staying at home working as a loan processor. It seems like the min. we signed our papers for our house things started going wrong. I was almost 9 months prego. I knew that we would be having a lot of change...we were becoming first time parents, and first time homeowners. We seemed like we were making our mark in the world. We really counted on both of our incomes and NEED both to survive. Well inbetween moving into our home and Gavin being born (Nov. 20th 07) I hadn't had much luck with any loans closing. We had gotten money from my dad when we closed and pretty much using it as the back up. Well the loans got even worse...I would start on one and for one reason or another it wouldn't close. At one point my husband was the only one bringing home some money...but it wasn't enough to even cover our bills. We have been blessed with wonderfu family! Well my husband one day decided that he couldn't take his job any more! (it actually had been building) but we went from bad to worse! He now has gotten his CDL and is looking for a local driving job. We really don't want him to do the OTR (Over the Road) but we might have to for about an year. Well he has been watching Gavin while I am getting trained for the storage unit job (then Gavin will be with me). It actually has worked out nice...but at the same time we really need him to get a job too! At one point though we both didn't have jobs. I was babysitting part time..but that doesn't take care of most of our that is the kind of year we have had!

This is what we have said to my cousin earlier today:
Thank you for reminding me what really is important in this life. Corey and I were really discourage one day and when we went to do our night reading in our sciptures (since we were trying to be better at reading and saying our prayers) I included this thought book with our nightly reads and in my thought book by President Gordon B. Hinckley (he has a scripture and then a thought for everyday) and this thought was for the day we felt very discouraged. I don't remember the scripture but then he went on to say that everyone gets discouraged...but if we start looking around our self we will see that someone else has it worse than we do. Corey and I started saying the things we do have instead of what we don't have. I know in my personal life I know so many people having hard times it is either money, lost one, lost job, or some other trail. If we knew the out come in the life (our trials) would we still have come knowing everything? I think a part of me says yes and the other part of me things no...but how much more are we blessed because we had James in our life. Of course we would much rather have him with us know! but I guess what I am trying to say is that Michelle I think you are amazing! I don't just don't say that for this one trail but everything that we have gone through! I love you so much I am sorry I am not better at letting you know this more often! I guess it got me thinking about all of this when I saw your picture of your little are so good at capturing peopel! You are so good at taking pictures, your funny, carring, and everything I hope to be one day. Reading your blog it made me think of how I have put of things today because I tell myself "I will be happier once this that or the other is done". or "once this trail I will be happier...but really we are always going to have trials. Some trials we will get rid of and others will be with us for ever and we have to learn how to deal with that trial. There is a saying that I have and I really like goes something like this... Life isn't about waiting for the storm to's about learning how to dance in the rain.

I really like that saying...I think I want to make a sign or something out of that saying :) I find it to be too true!

Well I need to go to bed! Good night!


Just the 3 of us said...

I love that saying too!!! You should create a vinly lettering thing and put it on your wall!!

Willis Family said...

Hang in there girl. You are right, life is full of trials...but they are there to help build our foundations and testimonies. Good luck with the year to come. I too have learned so much from Michelle...she is amazing, as are you! Hope you're enjoying the cooler weather...soo excited for the fall to be it!

Michael said...

I was so happy to hear about your storage unit job! I'm excited for you and am grateful things are going better. We're financially stressed out too and recently got a job at Joanne's Fabric. We both have school and work until 10pm every night and hardly see each other. I'm so grateful you reminded me to enjoy the journey and not wait until the future to be happy. I love ya!
-Karalee :)

Southern Belle said...

FYI: My blog is now private. E-mail me at and I will send you an invite.

kevin and angie said...

Hey Mindy!! This is Angie (Allen) Carpenter, Came across your blog, hope you don't mind me taking a look!! I totally hear you on the financial stuff! My husband is hoping to start a Master's program in January, and we are already so indebt because of school. It IS hard!! I sounds like you have a positive attitude though, I should too. :)

The Royal Family said...

I didn't know you had a blog... did I? so do we, email me if you want an invite.
So cute. It will be good to stay connected!
Cute Cute pictures!

Brandy King (Ross)